
These memories are what helping me as I get through the storm of my son being being deep into the LGBT rebellion
A Mom Missing Her Son: By Gail Joy Peacock
I miss my son. I miss not cooking for him. I miss his infectious happy laugh. I miss his jokes. I miss his desire to help his Mom in times of trouble. I miss sitting at our favorite restaurant eating and talking. Mom misses her son.
Know will become set free delivered AMEN \0/


Obeying God makes you joyful Obeying God makes you fruitful

Obeying God makes you hopeful Obeying God makes you peaceful

Obeying God makes you powerful Obeying God makes you beautiful

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, One God

Being released So receive

I heard, “Today I am releasing an anointing for approval”.
I saw the Lord Jesus placing his hand on children who have never felt approved by God, those who struggle for approval. His hand was gentle upon their heads as he released the oil of anointing for approval.
I encourage you today to quiet yourself and receive his approval. He is love!


Who can we trust ?

I will trust God because…

He knows my name Isaiah 43:1

He is freedom 2Corinthians 3:17

He is always with me Hebrews 13:5

He is good Psalm 119:68

He sees my every move Psalm 139:7

He thinks about me Psalm 139:17

He has plans for me Jeremiah 29:11


“This was a few years ago. I was gothic and worshipped the devil. I was an atheist so I didn’t believe satan was real, so this was more of a rebellion against religion. How wrong I was, satan is very real and is deceiving and manipulating everyone on the planet. Last December I finally reached out to God and He turned my whole life around. He led me to His Son Jesus Christ in Sept 2019 and I was born again. In the last year I have stopped living a sinful life and have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. All of my addictions and toxic behaviours fell from my life instantly. I suddenly wanted to be a good person and I turned from all things evil. I stopped watching horror movies, I stopped listening to heavy metal, I stopped drinking and doing drugs, I stopped partying, I stopped letting toxic people into my life, I stopped swearing, I stopped lying, I stopped cheating, I stopped fornicating, I stopped taking the Lord’s name in vain, I stopped being a terrible person and I started to trust in God!!! I cannot even express how much Jesus has changed my life. Praise the Lord and His power to create a child of God from being a child of the devil.
Believe on Jesus now and be set free. Salvation is a free Gift from the Lord! Turn to Him for eternal Life!
Praise Jesus, my Lord, my Savior, my King. Thank you Jesus for saving me. I love you forever. Amen.”


Unshakable Hope
Unshakable Hope is a gift that is sent directly from Heaven above. Hope is the breath of our lives that we breathe out when our children are battling addictions, or sitting all alone in a prison cell. We hope they are safe, we hope they will stop doing drugs, and we hope they will stop committing crimes. We hope more than anything else that they will turn themselves around, let God renew their minds and transform them back to the healthy child we once knew and still love unconditionally. Our love hasn’t died for them because it is unconditional. Our love is the Hope we have for their lives. This is the same unshakable Hope that God has for all His children. Let’s join our hands of Hope today and let our prayers reach into the hearts of all our hurting children. May the Spirit Of God reach into their hearts and turn their lives inside out with the peace that passes all understanding. Never give up Hope when Jesus is on your side. He never leaves our children nor forsakes them as He never leaves us without His hope…Amen!
Quote Of Hope: In my past addictive and criminal life years ago I could and would come up with just about any kind of justification for my addictions and crimes. I used these justifications so to support my habit and I believed them to be true as a reality in the prisons of my mind.