Why Screaming into the Darkness


This blog is about a mommy heart that was shatter into a million plus pieces on May 13,2019 Like when I watched 911 that airplane hit the Twin Towers I had no warning than I had zilch warning this was coming  the pain is almost honestly unbearable to endure 1 Corthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 

Through this journey I want you to learn to let go let God have the negative of your life As I have weather many a storm through my 53+years on this earth and 48+ of those years serving the King of King Lord of Lords Have used this simple format of life So can testify works I am not a bitter angry someone you do not desire to be around But sadly try to completely avoid Want you to become a positive person who has arose above the storms of life Soaring like a eagle Not become a negative person who sadly will break hell wide open Where there is no exit remember .

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respect this journey son and I now must go through We both ask to become bathe washed in prayer Is a very private time between a mom and a son as ought to be If can not understand this I must say so be it That the way this issue will become AMEN \0/