“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This is why it’s important to teach your kids about God in a real way. If you just teach them to conform to religion, they may never come back. But, if your faith is real to you and you share your faith with them, train them in the way that they should go—which is God’s way, what He teaches in His Word—then, no matter how far they stray, they’re going to come back home. God’s Word will not return unto Him void. Proverbs 22:6

Set them free those now trapped snared( Includes my son my mom my mother in law Sadly now living it this generation . Come Lord Jesus
Sadly I have a lost sheep praying back in
Heavenly Father,
you leave the 99 for that one lost sheep. I pray the Good Shepherd finds them and brings them back to the flock. I pray you continue to give those parents faith.
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